Chanie Wilschanski

Chanie Wilschanski, Host of the Schools of Excellence Podcast, is an Early Childhood Leadership Coach, CEO, and Founder of Schools of Excellence. Chanie has worked with hundreds of EC Directors and School Owners who are working to build a School of Excellence with higher staff retention, teacher motivation, parent partnership, and collaborative culture.

Chanie began her journey over a decade ago, teaching toddlers at the acclaimed Preschool of the Arts in New York City for 8 years until she continued her path into high studies and earned her Masters in EC and Special Education.

In 2015, she started training teachers and school leaders on the HOW part of creating excellence in their schools.

Now a wife and mother of 4, her hands are full and she understands what it takes to lead a large center and have a full-time job at home, and it breaks my heart when I see so many dedicated school leaders sacrificing all of their time with their family and all of their self-care (what self-care?) to a school that feels like it’s constantly getting away from them.



Becoming a Master of Your Time
If you are the leader of a school and you are struggling with getting everything done, the first place to start is TIME MASTERY! Learn the importance of tracking your time, creating theme days and time blocks. This roadmap will have you moving from overwhelm to becoming the Master of Your Time.
Making Decisions with Confidence
If you’ve ever needed to make a decision and have put it off because you’re waiting to feel confident, this is the session you need to attend. Learn how confidence and decision-making are skills. Learn practical ways to practice to build your confidence and decision-making muscles!
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