Maggie Powter

Maggie Powter is a co-owner and primary teacher at Early Learning at The Gardens. She has extensive experience in the field of early childhood in a variety of settings including childcare, therapeutic preschool, teaching at the college level, and in pre and postnatal support. She has a Bachelor's degree in Early Childhood Education and a Masters in Education with a specialization in Early Childhood Education. Besides being a full-time teacher at The Gardens learning centre, Maggie also teaches at Yukon University and consults for other child care programs in Yukon offering workshops and other professional development opportunities. Maggie believes in empowering young learners and their families by building on their existing strengths and resources and providing them with learning experiences that are meaningful to their everyday lives.


Child Originated Programming
Is teacher-led programming, based on children’s interests, truly child-centered? Explore the dichotomy of teacher-led programming based on children’s interests and child-originated, inquiry-based programming. Explore factors that assist in identifying authentic group interests, including the role environment and material plays. Through reflection we will consider the role educators play as co-researchers in engaging, supporting, and documenting the learning of the child/group.
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